Technology Assessment

Technology Assessment

Technology assessment is the practical process of determining the value of a new or emerging technology (AI, cloud computing, virtualization technologies, distributed problem solving) in and of itself or against existing technologies. It is a means of assessing and rating, from first introduction to fully acceptance. In essence, it is a form of policy research that examines short- and medium term consequences (organizational, economic, legal) of the application of the technology suite investigated to be adopted.

Technology assessment involves investigation and evaluation of introducing new or emerging technologies. It tries to forecast and prepare for the upcoming technological changes and their repercussions to the organization, and then make decisions based on these judgments. It also includes aspects such as diffusion of technology (and technology transfer), factors leading to rapid acceptance of new technology and the role of AI, cloud computing and virtualization technologies in the organization.

Technology assessment assumes a global perspective and is future-oriented. It considers its task as an interdisciplinary approach to solving already existing problems and preventing potential damage caused by uncritical application of new technologies. Overall, technology assessment is a broad field which reaches beyond just technology or business phenomenon. It handles the assessment of effects, consequences and risks of AI, cloud computing and virtualization technologies, but also is a forecasting function looking into the projection of opportunities and skill development as an input into strategic planning.


An important problem concerns the fact that, on the one hand, impacts of new technologies cannot be easily predicted until the technology is extensively developed and widely used. On the other hand, control or change of a technology is difficult as soon as it is widely used. Technologies, in their early stage, are unpredictable with regards to their implications and rather tough to handle or control once widely accepted by the organization. Shaping or directing technology in the desired direction is difficult for management.

As a form of cost–benefit analysis, technology assessment is a medium for decision makers to evaluate and analyze solutions with regards to the particular technology assessment, and choose a best possible option which is cost effective and obeys the authoritative and budgetary requirements. It entails subjective decisions and value judgments, that have to be made regarding a number of complex issues such as:

• the boundaries of the analysis
• the selection of appropriate indicators of potential positive and negative consequences of the new technology
• the monetization of non-market values (and a wide range of other perspectives)

Technology assessment is neither objective nor value-neutral. In addition, it also risks being influenced and biased by the values of stakeholders, which are in occurring cases initiators, developers or proponents of new technologies under consideration. Avoid making technology assessment a one-sided apology for contemporary technology by people with a stake in its continuation.