MSDP has a long and proven track record in developing, applying and delivering AI and advanced information processing technologies.

MSDP adopts a business administrative approach rather than a computer science one, essentially meaning that business should define AI rather than AI defining business.

Further to this position, MSDP proposes an approach of business analysis, technology assessment and strategic consultancy.


Fact Sheet MSDP


MSDP’s scope of operations is defined by three main lines of expertise:

  • self-hosted internet services based on cloud computing, virtualization technologies and ICT security (SHIPS)
  • proven technology AI, such as knowledge graphs, ontologies and blackboard systems, specifically targeted at the arts, cultural heritage and creative industries (EMCB)
  • advanced research and development of distributed problem solving in heterarchical network organizations (DPS)



Self-hosting internet services means

  • running your own internet services
  • on hardware you possess
  • at a location you control

You own what you use, you can change it or not and always have total control over your data.

Parties interested in initiating or pursuing a self-hosting strategy and seeking technical and business administrative support to this end are invited to contact MSDP.



AI will deeply influence the arts, cultural heritage and creative industries. However, this will happen in ways that yet cannot be foreseen, for the most part. Typically the sector should focus on relations with partners abroad, on networking and on standards. Moreover, there is the issue of how to achieve good interaction between humans and machines.

Bottom line however, it should not be some kind of fancy AI defining business, but business defining the right kind of mundane AI. This also applies to choosing between a computer science orientation, where AI is “emerging” from the machine (computational system), or a business administrative orientation, where AI results from management and domain expertise embedding AI well in the organization as a system technology.

EMCB is specifically about AI and creative industries, yet with a strong orientation towards AI as supportive for business to business processes.

Parties recognizing themselves in the above, are invited to contact MSDP.




Distributed problem-solving is is a subfield of artificial intelligence dealing with interaction of smart systems cooperating to solve problems. Distributed artificial intelligence systems is about communication and control methodologies used by constituent systems, along with the theoretical foundations which underly them. Control in distributed problem-solvers takes place by cooperation, organization and dynamics. Communications are specified through paradigms, content and protocols.

Parties interested in joining our DPS research and development activities are invited to contact MSDP .



contact: 020 6754502